Thursday, July 28, 2005

I am W-O-M-A-N. Hear me ROARRRRR!!!!

I read a book (and am still reading) titled Mirage by Soheir Kashoggi, about the different practices between how the Arabic world treated their women and how one woman's escape to America made all the difference.

Can you imagine living in an era where as a woman, you simply do not exist in your husband's eyes but to please him and fulfill his wants and needs? Living in the shadows in the same house among a separate world (a woman's world), not speaking unless spoken to, always looking downwards and heaven forbid! looking directly at a man's face. Can you live like that? Can you exist for no ulterior reason but to bring a son into the world? For when you bring his son into the world, you will be known for the rest of your life as Ali's mother (for instance)>>UMMI ALI. And your own name will cease to be for you will only be known as so-and-so's wife or so-and-so's mother. Imagine if you are a daughter... Your mother will never be known as YOUR mother but instead your BROTHER'S mother! And on top of all that, your dear husband whom you try so hard to please, can choose to marry another 3 wives.

Fast forward to this week, and I read an article in The Star that more and more Filipino husbands are volunteering to be HouseHusbands while the wife goes out to earn the bacon. And they do it willingly as their form of contribution to the household.[But then again, is our society open to this change or are these men simply lazy and do we, the women grumble and resign oursleves to being the breadwinner or do we accept this 'unnatural' shift in gender roles?

And if this is Philippines, imagine America!

So how do we bridge the two extremes? Apparently, in some small states/countries in the Middle East and Africa, the old world mentality still exists. Can you imagine yourself there?

It's hard to answer to that Question. Because as much as I can't imagine the late 70's, early 80's where Banks in Malaysia were still mostly without computers and depended on the paper related filing system, I however, do believe that women were gifted by that very extra bit of compassion which makes a woman the ultimate caregiver for the kids and the house and her man. I do believe that a woman, as vulnerable and sensitive as she may be, is also on the other hand the species furnished with extra 'care&concern' chromosomes.

And for this I am thankful. Because if not for the extra 'care&concern' genes, our sensitive&vulnerable side will rationalise that any guy courting us who doesn't buy us flowers, deserves to have the door shut in his face!

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