Wednesday, September 08, 2010

The Hopes And Fears Of All The Years; Are Met In Thee Tonight

According to the pregnancy ticker, it'll only be 5 weeks and 4 days til baby's arrival. According to my gynae, it'll be no more than 2 weeks time cos baby has to be delivered via c-section. I think this clash of theory is what keeps me awake at nights and in the wee hours of mornings because either way (i.e. normal or c-section), I am petrified!

Don't get me wrong. I mean, I can't wait to hold baby in my arms but normal delivery is definitely going to be painful. Caesarean - I've kinda done it before but who says it's not painful? Just the thought of operating knives cutting through your 7 layers of skin and then doctor reaching IN ME to bring baby out is like a flash from a horror show!

So, tell me. How exactly does one sleep peacefully in moments like these?

Yet at the same time, a baby is all my hubby and I have been yearning for over the last couple of years to close the void in our 'family' life. And we have been so ecstatic, so glad to be finally blessed with the chance of having our own little family throughout the whole pregnancy - except how does one remain optimistic when in fear? At times I feel like screaming bloody murder because as much as we both desired this pregnancy, why do I have to be the one who has to go through the excruciating terror and pain of childbirth? How is that fair in this so called 'equal' world? At times like these, it seemed that the feminist revolution was merely a big hogwash. End of the day, I believe there isn't such a thing as equal status among men and women. Honestly, give me some loving and pampering any time of the day, smoochie.

But I digress. I suppose these feelings are nothing new and I guess every new mom has felt it as she inches closer to her delivery date, no?

Baby, just so you know>>>Your mum ain't as tough as she always thought she was! Nevertheless my child, I pray that you receive the gifts of faith, hope and love. I wish for you that you are compassionate to the less fortunate, that you are warm, understanding, helpful, diplomatic. But above all, I pray that you carry in you huge quantities of humility and use this humility whenever you come in contact with humanity.

It will only be a matter of time before you join your daddy and me here and begin your lifelong education as a human being.

Eagerly awaiting your arrival,
Mom & Dad.


Will said...

Hey what about the thrill of being the toaster. It's apparently a thrill that many women enjoy; and plus being the centre of attention with your big belly, offered seats on buses, and the whole world being too scared to run you over. Feeling completely deprived.

Princess Running Water (soon-to-be Queen) said...

Being the TOASTER??? That's a new way of seeing it, Will! hehehehe....nah, I wasn't waited on hands and foot. Neither do I take the bus...I drove everywhere til 8 months and I worked full time. This here is the independent woman we're talking about u know!Plus my belly isn't that big either to get people's attention~ :D

J said...

as of now, ur probably inching in all the bit closer to delivery...

i have heard that the bliss of motherhood is one to behold... n i wish u all the best...

Princess Running Water (soon-to-be Queen) said...

Yes, it'll only be a matter of days before I post my newborn baby's photo in this blog!Thanks for dropping by and being a follower! :)

J said...

You are absolutely welcome!!!