Thursday, August 12, 2010

I just had to post this!!

Random (poetry) during a so-called 'methodology and pedagogy training session' (i.e. just another name used by some publisher trying to sell language books).

HELP! The Attack of a Group Killer!!!!!

As I sit down in a seminar,
And waste my precious time,
I lose precious seconds of my life,
And my hair is turning white!

As I sit and listen to some geezer
Promoting a stupid book,
My mind slowly deteriorates
And my bum is turning numb!

Hey, Mister Smart guy,
Can you cut your story short?
Can you get to the chase
And remove all the gunk?

Hey, Mister 'emmmmm' guy,
You're droning on and on!
Can't you see you're putting us to sleep,
After lunch and in a nice, cool place?

Yoohoo, Mister Speaker,
What do you think is running through our minds?
Don't you see the boredom evident-
As we gaze blankly at your face?

Come on already Mister Mister!
Why are you trying so hard to kill us?
It's like you're holding a monologue,
And we're all well-behaved, attentive dogs!


Dennis & Joanah said...

hahaha! I have to say that Mr. Smart's time-filler-phrase "Eeemmmmm" is hilarious! But not hilarious enough to take us out of our "la la la land". Oh, well...

Princess Running Water (soon-to-be Queen) said...

Yeah? I was getting annoyed simply cos he WAS just promoting the book! So how could they term it as 'methodology & pedagogy'? I actually was looking fwd to the pedagogy part!

Princess Running Water (soon-to-be Queen) said...

btw, thanks for being my 'follower'. I shall go be your follower too...:)