Wednesday, August 25, 2010

'THE' weekend getaway - Pantai Morib, Pantai Bagan Lalang & Pantai Kelanang

Oh, I just HAD to do a write up on my wonderful, relaxing, chill-lax weekend getaway. It was the perfect escape from the usual, deep in the countryside and away from civilisation. Am grateful indeed that I have such a tolerant husband who really did try (and succeeded) in accommodating my every need. Ahhhhhh, bliss!

What with a little over a month left til our little newcomer makes her appearance in our lives, we decided to use the past weekend to our advantage and spend a one night away from the usual surroundings. So we took a drive headed towards Morib but seeing how Morib was no longer beach friendly, we asked around and ended up in Bagan Lalang. Oh, it really was a slice of heaven there. The beach was small-ish but suffice for what I needed - plus I managed to capture some pictures of the sunset. We got there J-I-T (Just In Time) for the sunset!!!

We had such a good sleep-in that night thanks to the air-conditioning which was superbly fixed to its minimum at 16 degree celcius - delicious! There was nothing on the tele so there was no reason to stay up late. All we did was talk about life and what we expect it to be, or rather, how we would handle it when baby made her debut. Then we cuddled throughout the night and set the alarm for 6.30 a.m. so that we could go for a nice, lazy stroll on the beach. However, at 6.30 a.m, we woke up to pitch darkness outdoors and it was impossible to even consider a walk on the beach! So, back to sleep it was for another hour before we arouse for breakfast. After breakfast, there was a drizzle, so still no walk on the beach, but more 'us' time in the deliciously, crisp air-cond room (I actually used this time to mark some writing papers!).

We finally dragged our lazy selves out of the room and drove to the beach. The tide was low so we waded pretty deep into the ocean - until a jelly fish literally bobbed pass my feet! Then we immediately turned around and walked back to shore and only then did we realise how DEEP we had waded in!

This is how deep we waded in...

One of the many tiny crabs scurrying across the shore...

Some strange form of sea life...

Okay now, to cut a long story short, I just had a really great time that weekend, just chill-laxing the kinks out of my pretty 'stressed-all-the-time' body. On the drive back, we had an awesome lunch at a local Chinese restaurant - steamed white rice with sizzling tofu (and lots of ingredients), sweet & sour 'ultra-fresh' fish and yummylicious pork ribs. I wish I had a snapshot of the food to post to the blog and salivate over. Oh well, too bad.... Well, we also made a couple of stops along the way to buy some recently plucked durians and rambutans which came directly from the fruit orchards behind the roadside stalls. Sadly, no photos of that, too. But, I have a feeling that I'll go back for more...

But I will not just leave you with words (I can do much better than that!) I'll leave you with two more pictures to rejuvenate your tired eyes and minds *wink*

This is a view of Pantai Kelanang...could it be paradise lost?

And here, is the final masterpiece for this blog entry>>>>>>>>>>drum roll............WATER LILIES!

Oh, and baby, here's proof that you really did come along on this AWESOME weekend holiday with your Mammi and Pappi! hehe....

Peace. OUT! :)

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