Friday, August 13, 2010

Musings to Princess Tiger Lily

A girl is graceful and pretty
A girl is all things nice.
A girl is sweet and gentle.
A girl is kind and witty.
A girl is sugar and spice-
A girl is someone with emotions.
She will be there when I need cheering,
She will be compassionate and loving.

To my little Tigress Princess,

I am choked with emotions just thinking of you as my baby. You are going to be my first-born. My eldest child. And my first-born is going to be a girl - a daughter; just as I, a daughter am the first-born, so too shall you be.

Cuddles from your Mum.

I have a dream
a child to hold
10 little fingers -
and 10 little toes
with dribble on her chin
and wrinkles on her face.

I have a dream
a child to learn
with knowledge to impart
and values to instil.

A sweet baby doll
with a punch and a gurgle
a tiny Tigress Princess
with a laugh and a growl.

My, my, my -
My little baby girl,
What are you doing now
As you tumble and toss in me?

My, my, my -
My little mini-me,
Are you thinking of your mummy,
like I'm thinking of you, too?


Anonymous said...

do u think of ur momie or cheer her up when she needs you to? :p

Princess Running Water (soon-to-be Queen) said...

hmmmm....nope.. but it ain't wrong to wish i'd have that sort of bond with my daughter...